最近讀到一份 “2014 Federal Plain Language Report Card”,是一份由民間機構檢驗美國聯邦政府各行政部門對於 ”Plain Writing Act” 的遵循程度的報告。該報告從法案遵循 (compliance)、書寫 (writing)、及資訊設計 (info design) 三個項目評估各部門是否能夠以簡單明瞭的方式說明政府的服務或法規,提出改進建議,並將結果公諸大眾檢視,以督促政府繼續改善。值得我國參考。

此報告所謂何來?這就要追溯到美國國會在 2010 年通過的 “Plain Writing Act” (暫譯為「直白書寫法案」)。此法案規定美國政府的行政部門必須以直白的方式書寫公開的政府文件,以增進人民對政府資訊跟服務的了解。該法案有以下幾點規定:

  1. 以直白的方式書寫公開的政府文件 (Plain writing)
  2. 訓練員工以 plain writing 的方式寫文件
  3. 機關內部需建立一套流程自我檢測對該法案的遵循程度,對外則需在機關網站設置專區說明此事,且至少一位聯絡人,接受公眾反饋。

什麼是以直白方式書寫?wiki 上給了一個清楚的例子。原文是這樣:

The amount of expenses reimbursed to a claimant under this subpart shall be reduced by any amount that the claimant receives from a collateral source in connection with the same act of international terrorism. In cases in which a claimant receives reimbursement under this subpart for expenses that also will or may be reimbursed from another source, the claimant shall subrogate the United States to the claim for payment from the collateral source up to the amount for which the claimant was reimbursed under this subpart.”


If you get a payment from a collateral source, we will reduce our payment by the amount you get. If you get payments from us and from a collateral source for the same expenses, you must pay us back the amount we paid you.”


這份報告對美國政府各行政部門打分數,請各部門上繳文件,填寫問卷,看看各部門有沒有乖乖遵守這個法案,評估結果除了上網公布之外,還有一位眾議員會發函讚揚高分者,鼓勵低分者 (所以這是非強制性的,各機關各憑良心)。美國政府各行政部門分數的此消彼長當然不是我們關心的事,但報告中針對缺點的改進建議卻值得一提,以問題較多的書寫 (Writing) 一項來說,他們檢查的方式已相當先進:直接用軟體 (Acrolinx) 掃描文件,除了可挑出簡單的文法跟用字錯誤之外 (動詞單複數、時態等,我們用不到),還可以找出一些進階的缺點,其中與中文能夠連結的部分說明如下:

  • 長句或複雜的用字 (Long sentences and complex words)。wiki 的例子講的就是這件事,或是再看一個報告中的例子:

Original: Daylight harvesting, the use of natural light to offset electric light in perimeter workspaces, offers the opportunity to reduce lighting energy by between 20% and 60%, assuming that daylight harvesting is only one component of an integrated lighting control system. (40 words)

More readable: Daylight harvesting replaces electric light with natural light in perimeter workspaces. When combined with other lighting control strategies, daylight harvesting can reduce lighting energy by between 20% and 60%.

除了句子長度,用法跟用字也要更好懂,例如 “offer the opportunity to” 改成 “can”;”assuming that daylight harvesting is only one component of an integrated lighting control system” 就說 “When combined with other lighting control strategies” 就好。

  • 被動語句 (Passive verbs)。報告中的例子:

Original: The JavaScript used on this site for creative design effects is not supported by your browser.

More readable: This site uses JavaScript for creative design effects. Your browser does not support JavaScript.

除了英翻中以外 (ex. 此網站使用 JavaScript 以呈現不被你瀏覽器所支援的效果),一般使用中文時此問題應該不大。

  • 隱藏的動詞 (Hidden verbs)。把動詞變名詞,再用一個動詞描述它。報告中的例子:

conduct an investigation (How about “investigate”?)

take into consideration (or just “consider”)

make adjustment (or just “adjust”)

這我們也很愛用,我隨便找了一個政府網站的新聞稿就看到了:「公布截至 104 年 1 月 7 日中午止,全國檢察機關受理妨害 103 年地方公職人員各項選舉案件收結及實施偵查作為情形」。「實施偵查作為」不就是「偵查」?其他例子相信大家比我更常看到。

  • 名詞堆砌 (Noun clusters)。太多名詞串在一起會讓讀者花額外心思去解譯它。報告中的例子:

National Electric Transmission Congestion Study

Recovery Act Interconnection Transmission Planning

Electricity Policy Technical Assistance Program

  • 贅字 (Needless words)。雖然無法直接類比,但使用中文時也有此問題。報告中的例子:

This kind of behavior (How about “this behavior”?)

particularly important

very powerful

  • 以條列式取代敘述式 (Narrative lists rather than bulleted ones)

另外,在資訊設計 (Info Design) 一項,雖然各部門在此項分數都偏低,但報告中並未給出具體範例,故此處只簡述此項的設計原則,就是利用字型、空白、顏色、圖示、圖表等,讓讀者能夠了解資訊中欲表達的重點。此項目他們是用人工檢視。
